
Pluggable solar technology

The study shows that in every household with automatic fuses without safety concerns, it is possible to use up to 2.6 amps (approx. 630 Wp, corresponds to 2 PV modules) with plug-in solar devices. On the basis of the basic research carried out in this process, the working group was able to remove hurdles in the installation standard DIN VDE 0100-551

The new regulation of the VDE-AR-N 4105 standard

More than 900 objections in the summer of 2018 led to another success of the working group: the amendment of the low-voltage directive AR-N-4105, which regulates an appropriate notification procedure with the grid operators. With the new regulation of the standard, all network operators are obliged to accept the registration of socket solar devices up to 600 watts by laymen instead of by an electrician as before. It was adopted in a standardization procedure by the Forum Netztechnik/Netzbetrieb in the VDE (FNN), which develops the rules for the grid connection of generation plants in Germany. The new regulation came into force on the 27th. April 2019 in force.

With this, we have lifted pluggable solar technology out of the legal gray area and into the standard. Thanks to tireless public relations (with Greenpeace Energy eG), the working group achieved the breakthrough for this device class in 2019. This inspired 100,000 citizens to cover part of their energy needs with socket solar devices and forced network operators to introduce reporting procedures for socket solar devices. In doing so, we have already achieved a lot on the way to more energy in the hands of citizens, but not all goals have yet been implemented!

The potential is huge, the application is very simple:

With the changed standards and the set safety standards for plug-in solar devices, the energy transition is easier to implement, especially for tenants and apartment owners who do not have their own space other than their balcony or for allotment gardeners. In addition to CO2-neutral electricity generation, this is also important for the acceptance of the energy transition.

One to two photovoltaic modules can be connected directly to the domestic power grid with an inverter via a Schuko plug. This allows each household to produce about 10% of its electricity for 8 ct/kwh itself. In the next few years, 1-2 gigawatts of decentralized renewable generation capacities could be connected in Germany without grid expansion, worldwide even 90 gigawatts would be possible.

Become active

Therefore, the DGS calls on you to take your power supply into your own hands as much as possible. The easiest way to do this is to connect a solar device according to DGS standard. This not only relieves you of your wallet, but also accelerates the inevitable change to a sustainable energy supply!

We support people in registering their balcony module with the network operator and offer an extensive information portal on the subject. The DGS has developed a registration form that complies with the new standard, which can be downloaded HERE.

We pursue these goals

  • Recognize EU rules: It could be as simple as the EU demands and our neighbors deceive us: The Netherlands has tested a trivial limit of 500W/2.25A for feeding PV power into final circuits. 200,000 Dutch people have installed small plants themselves without incidents. There are also such simplified regulations for feeding from small decentralized plants in Luxembourg (800 W), Austria (600 VA), Switzerland (600W/2.6A) and Portugal (200W).
  • No reporting obligations for plants up to 800 watts according to the EU Network Code 2016/631
  • A rational risk perception as in Switzerland, the Netherlands and Austria, in order to offer the possibility of operating safe solar devices in this country without additional effort
  • A clear commitment of network operators and policy on decentralized power generation and the reduction of existing normative hurdles for citizens operating renewable power generation facilities (prosumers)

You can find out how to implement this in our FAQ. We have compiled which devices you can use for this in our market overview. A detailed justification of our claims can be found in our position paper.

  1. The devices are described under numerous sometimes rather misleading names, such as mini solar system, micro solar system, plug in solar system, mini solar generator, plug in solar device, plugin PV system, plug in solar generator, micro solar generator, plug in PV device, micro solar module, balcony solar system, guerrilla PV or balcony module. From a technical point of view, we plead for the terms plug-solar device, socket solar module or balcony module, as it is not a permanently installed “system” according to the usual understanding, but rather a power-generating household appliance. Hence the need for simplified regulations.
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